This post has been created to show our research in to CD/DVD digipacks of our genre. We have also researched institutions and artists from within our genre. This post also shows our planning and draftings for our own covers. All of this is shown below.
To belong to three of the top music institutions. The music artists that we have listed below belonging to the three institutions and a part of the music genre pop rock we are he purpose of this research is find established music artists within the music industry who creating for our music band. By researching these three institutions we can see what institutions are successful within our music genre and use them as a part of our cd/dvd digipak.
Institutions - We have researched the top two institutions in the world and identified which pop-rock acts are owned by these institutions. We have then chosen an institution to represent our band based on the data we have collected.
Sony Sony is the second largest recording label in the world. It was founded in America but holds many acts from around the globe. There are many acts on the record label which fall under our pop-rock genre. These include: * The Fray * Chris Daughtry * John Mayer * Kelly Clarkson * Kings Of Leon * Madonna * Pink * Scouting For Girls * The Script
Universal Music Group Universal is the largest record label in the world. It is owned by the media conglomerate Vivendi which is based in France. The Universal Music Group also own many acts which fall under the pop-rock genre: * The All-American Rejects * Avril Lavigne * ABBA * Ashlee Simpson * Chris Daughtry * Coldplay * James Morrison * One Republic * Rihanna * Bon Jovi * Jack Johnson * James Blunt * John Mayer * Lady GaGa
We have chosen the institution Universal Music Group to represent our band. From the list above, it shows many pop-rock - the genre of our band - artists that are owned by this institution. The acts range from old to new and lessknown to well known. It also has a mixture of acts from around the globe.
Our band name 'Vintage Rocks' links to the old bands, showing there have been many pop-rock acts before, but it is ironic that our band is new and has incorperated conventions which suit the need of our target audience. These conventions are not typical of every pop-rock act - having a mixed gender b
and, who can all play their own instruments.
This is the logo we will use to show institution on our digipak.
Textual Analysis of digipack covers
We looked at different digipack covers for artists in our genre and analysed the connotations. We did this to help us gain an understanding of what to include for our own digipack covers. Below there are examples for different digipacks in our genre. Madonna Digipak Analysis This is the front and back covers for Madonnas latest digipak cover. Below is the written analysis of typical conventions for digipaks.
- The image on the back cover of the disco ball implies the disco genre of the digipak and her 'Confessions Tour'.
- Madonna's facial expression also links to the title: 'confessions'.
- There is a separation between the DVD features and the track lists
- The institution information is at the bottom of the page as it is considered least important to the target audience.
- Key information is all within the top third of the page
- There is also a parental advisory sticker showing the age restriction upon it.
- The colour scheme is consistant on both the back and front covers
- The DVD list is longer than the track list, causing the audience to believe they are getting more for their money than if they were to buy the original CD.
Snow Patrol Digipak Analysis
This is the covers for the snow patrol digipack. The typical conventions have been picked out and written on the covers. There are connotations for the front and back covers, the inside booklet and the CDs themselves.
Lady GaGa Digipack Analysis Front Cover
- The black background could suggest she is hiding away from something, most likely the paparazzi - Limited edition advert on the left hand side strip on the digipak, suggestingyou can only access these songs and footage when you purchase her digipak. - Red typography is used against the black, grey and blue image, which makes the lettering stand out more and create more awareness for her. - Her name appears in baby blue lettering against a black background which definitely has the same intention as the limited edition strip, to create the awareness for the audiences to spot ' LADY GaGa'. - The title of the digipak for her album appears in a small typography style in the shades of the artists, this could indicate the importantance of the image of the artist to the title. - The size of the image of Lady GaGa is positioned centre and various areas appear bright to catch the eye of the audience, with the black background behind the artists. The positioning of the image suggests she wants to be the main centre of attention in the music industry and people to follow her unique style.
Back cover
-The costumes including the 'wacky and outrageous' make up Lady GaGa has on, in her photographs such she is a very lively and flamboyant performer. - The traditional institutional information in the bottom third, positioned on the left hand side alongside the barcode for the digipak. - ' BONUS TRACKS', it notifies the audience especially her fans that these tracks will only appear on this digipak and the only way to hear is to purchase this digipak she has available to buy. - The background is still black, with the baby blue lettering on top. Although the limelight is surrounding Lady GaGa is created with this light shine effect to show the star and fame, she has turned herself into.
1st Inside Cover - A unusual photograph of Lady GaGa which would not be shown anywhere else other than the inside cover of the digipak. This breaks the usual conventions for the representation of Lady GaGa, because always seems to be confidently posed with costume and make up. Although this photograph shows a different side to her personality although she is still pulling a small hand action which expresses the performer in her personality. -Constant use of silver, white and black which shows various signs about her as a individual person deep down. Also the constrast between them could show the spontaneous side to her lifestyle/fame. - The positioning and framing of Lady GaGa in the photograph encourages the audiences to look at her hand actions and what reaction is she trying to entice from this action/pose. - The mise-en-scene allows the audience to see the wealthy and successful lifestyle she has earnt for herself. This could show how established she is in the industry and how she can use settings like that for her digipak photographs. - The sparkly background for the CD holders mirroring the part of her unique personality which is focused on their glamour. Glamour is very key to the appearance which include the ways she presents herself withmake up and costume, to the way she performs to audiences.
- Lady GaGa's Symbol appears on the two CD's, which also appears the majority of her videos to show the audience that this is her signature sign/symbol. This is for the audience so if they notice the lightning bolt symbol wherever, they will associate immediately to Lady GaGa's. This is the reaction that Lady GaGa was hoping for, this sign appears in a sparkly glittery style which complimented the white background.
The Script Digipak analysis
Front cover: 
The bands title appears in the top third of the frame and is the largest/boldest font on the cover - so you know that it is important and that it is meant to stand out. The background is pale blue to represent a sky line, with images of chimney tops in the foreground - represent a rural a
rea or the bands hometown, which could be known for its tall/multiple chimneys. Appearing through and above the roof tops is a human hand holding a man and woman in formal wear dancing - this could represent them-the band, wanting to come out on top? they want to do well, but need a helping hand?
Just under the title reads: in small font 'includes the hit single - the man who can't be moved'. They may have decided to include this on the front cover because that song has already done well, and is now well-known and popular? and so people will want to buy the whole album? Underneath this reads: 'insert this CD into your computer and discover exclusive and video content'. They might have chosen to feature this on the front cover as it is a unique selling point - if you buy the CD you are also getting extras.
Inside cover/back of booklet:
On the inside cover/back of booklet is an image if the band - medium show of them sitting on what appears to be a roof top - again, this could also be used to represent where the band are from. The main singer is sitting in the middle of the other two band members but he is not completely centered within the frame - this tells us who the main band member is. None of them are looking into the camera but all look as if they are in their 'own little world'. This gives the impression that they were trying to achieve a natural, non posed shot. They may also have wanted to portray through the image that they are just regular men, who lots of people are able to relate to? CD: The CD is very plain and simple - the back ground is black and the top half contains the band's name in a large white font. The company/bands institutional information is placed in a curve around the edge, following the shape of the disc.

Back cover: The back cover contains the bands name (as before) in the top half of the frame. Underneath, in smaller lettering is the track list, plus bonus track. The bottom section contains the band and company's institutional information and company logos, and the barcode.
Paramore CD/DVD analysis
The front cover of this CD/DVD contains black and white images of each individual member.
They have each been photographed in action - playing their own instruments. This may have been done to show the audience the different roles within the band, e.g. singer, guitarist.. The bands name is placed in the top section of the front cover and has the largest font, it is the only object in colour on the front cover and so we know that this piece of information/title is supposed to stand out against everything else. The colour of the bands name is red which could represent anger and viloence - this is a stereotype of a rock band? The colour red can also represent love and romance, which could represent the 'pop' side of the band. The album name is placed under the images of the band at the bottom, and is a smaller font size - it is of less importance. The bands name is as before, and placed on the spine of the album. Their name is the most important thing - their audience will instantly be able to recognise the band by their name. The back cover includes the bands name again - as before, in the top section of the back cover - placed at the top because it is the most important. Below the bands name is a balck and white image of all four band members, except the female member is shown in colour. This shows her importance within in the band, and that she has the'lead role'. She is the dominant character of the group - this breaks the rules of the stereotype that men are the more dominant person. They are going against this stereotype and portraying the only female within the band of four, to be the one with the power. The band members body language portrays the band as being quite 'tough'. This supports the stereotope of the 'rocker' image. They are sitting on stairs in an urban/built up area - this could represent where they came from? -They are just like everyone else. The track list is shown below this image in red - to link to the bands name and theme.
Digipak First Draft Mock-Ups
These mock ups for the digipack have the same importantance as the magazine advertisement mock ups as the digipack mock ups allow us a group to analyse the contents and see where, why and how we have addressed the codes and conventions. Also comparing to various established and successful digipacks from previous audience research, we can compare as a group to see what we are missing out and what will benefit the digipack by including them. Also taking into consideration the design, content and structure of the three drafts, as a group we will combine various different aspects, keeping in my mind the four key concepts and conventions. All the decisions we make are to benefit our audience as we want them to be attracted to it and buy it.
This image to the left is one of the three designs for our music band 'Vintage Rocks'. On the left of the image shows the front cover which inclues the title of the band appearing in two contrasting lettering fonts and varied sizes. This is to fit in with the meaning behind the words, for instance 'Vintage' is appearing in a old style/ellegent style lettering. Whereas the 'ROCKS' is presented in a bold and rigid block lettering which coinsides with the rock aspect of the genre, we are targeting extremely well. The positioning of the band 
members is crutial in order to give the impression to the audience that Amie is the lone female in the group and the singer, focussing the main attention on her. Although the aim is to keep the other two male band members in the frame because as a group we are not trying to soley focus on Amie, we are trying to show some dynamics to the group with two males and female lead singer. The back cover includes two sections which include cd track listing with various bonus tracks

which will be advertised on
the promotional features sticker, which we will include on the final draft. On the other side includes the DVD part to the digipack which involves the unseen footage, live performances, music videos, interviews and much more content as well. The institutional information incorporating the inistitution's logo is visable at the bottom of the digipack back cover alongside the barcode which is included for the product to be purchased. This design was based upon the research that Madonna and Lady GaGa had the layout of split CD and DVD sides to the back cover and a special slot for the bonus tracks and features to appear in. The next page below the front and back cover presents the back of the inside booklet and disc one which is the CD section of the 'Vintage Rocks' digipack. Performing the drums in 'Vintage Rocks' is Stuart and one of the band members instruments was included to show they can all play an instrument and especially the drums they hold a sense of identity with the 'VR' on the front of the foot/pedal drum. The band name is positioned above and below the instrumental picture and this is to focus on the image and the meaning behind the particular instrument photographed. The words both show the same style and meaning towards them although the do not appear in the same lettering font to the front cover. This is soley down to the prevention of repeati
ng the same style and font over and over again and trying a new font but incorporating the same style to it. Both Cd's show the same design with a white CD with name of the digipak and the institutional information in two different sections either side of the centre hole of the CD. The image beside DVD disk shows Amie the lead singer carrying a guitar through a corn field, symbolise the love and enjoyment she gets from performing music outdoors. The dragging of the guitar could symbolise the freedom of the band and the music the produce. The choice of location was down to the previous research from artists in our genre who were successful with albums featuring a corn field. Also with a local corn field near by and access to a guitar it was a strong possible to photograph this particular scene. 'The Script', who featured in our previous research included a corn field photograph with all the band members looking up in a hig
h angle camera shot view. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The images above and to the left show photographs of another digipak draft for 'Vintage Rocks.' We have labeled the connotations as to why we have decided to make the decisions we did.
LAUREN - digipak mock-up Back and frontcover

Front cover: Vintage Rocks' logo features in the centre of the frame in large white font against a brick wall - this is to enhance the most important feature on the front cover. Having the logo so big in the centre immediatly tells people that this is the bands name/logo. This may also mean that the bands logo will become well known, so their target audience will recognise them just from this. There is a poster/ad stuck to the wall which contains information about the album, including bonus features - I have chosen to include this on the front cover to draw the audience in, as one of the main features of our digipak is that if you purcahse it you will also gain extras. Underneath the logo is the bands institutional information. This is shown in smaller font so that the main focus is still on the most important information which we will use to draw the audience in. The image of the band is a kind of 'street style' and 'ordinary', and i have reflected this within the front cover by making the bands logo, information and features of the digipak all feature on a brick wall. This also links to some of the bands promotional photos, as we shot some of our photos against a brick wall.
Back cover: The back cover lists all the features of the digipak including all of the features the audience can recieve if they purchase the item. I have split the back cover into three individual sections to make the information it consists easier and clearer to read. Doing this has also split the information fairly so as it doesn't look to be too much information at one point:- the left-hand section contains information about the CD -e.g. the track list. Beside this the right-hand section contains information about the DVD and the bottom part contains the 'bonus features list'.
Inside cover and disc
Inside cover: The back cover of the booklet consists of a plain black background, and a microphone + stand with a spotlight- this image represents a performance which links to the band and the features included with the digipak. The bands logo is repeated again as before so to connect the band to the image. The silohuette of the microphone is standing over the bands logo -this is to represent the main singer (Amie) of whom the band revolves around - she is the band member whom of which has the most power, and so she towers over the bands logo.
Disc: The disc is just plain black and features the bands logo in white as before. The track list is shown around the rim of the CD, and the bands institutional information is shown under the logo. The logo is the boldest feature with on the disc, so to show the most important piece iof information stand out. Each of the colours on the digipak link to the genre of the band: pop/rock. The black and grey represent the rock image of the band, whereas, red and white links to pop genre. From looking at 'Paramore's overall image, i have discovered that they repeat the same colours through their clothing and murchandise, and this is what I have chosen to do through out the digipak design.

ELLA - Digipak Mock-up

This one of our first drafts for our digipak cover, I did this so it is easier when it comes to creating our final product. We all created dratfs and included as many codes and conventions as possible so we can put them all together when creating the final one. The influence of the front cover was from 'The Script' as their promotopnal shots were also in a cornfield. The key information is also within the top third as this is a key convention within digipak covers. The blurb containing the DVD listings is bigger and longer incomparison to the music track list as this causes the audience to believe they are getting more for their money. The institutional information is placed at the bottom of the page and on the spine of the cover as this is considered least important for our target audience. The main focus is on amie, our lead singer as this links to the theory of 'sex appeal'. I also did this as Paramore have done in their promotional shots and some covers and they are our buggest influence:

The back cover continued with the same housestyle so it is not confusing for our audience. It will contain the same colours, fonts and picture in order to link them and include the codes and conventions. The image has slightly changed as she is not facing foward anymore and is now facing backwards. This indicated the end of the CD and the fact she is finished and leaving. The main focus is still on her though, to continue the sex appeal. Amie's clothing is of a short red dress in order to keep to the genre specific colouring - linking to the Rock side of our genre but also seductive to link to the 'sex appeal' theory.
The influence of my CDs were Madonna as we had not finalised our logo yet, I used a guitar and a microphone to imply our genre of music. Our audience research also said that they would like to see the band with instruments so I did this on the cover and included the instruments on the CDs. The institutional information and logo is also placed on the CDs for brand recognission reasons.
Final Drawn Draft of CD/DVD Digipack Below is the final draft of the drawn digipack. We have annotated the connotations, explain what is what on each of the covers. 

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First digipack drafts
Below is a screen shot of the first draft for our digipack cover. From the photograph, it can be seen that we are using the software Illustrator to create the covers.
After creating the first draft, we discovered certain elements of our cover needed to be changed. These are shown below: - Making sure colour matches for both front and back covers, to establish house style - Move the bonus content sticker to a different place, as it effects the look of the main image - Move the band website to the bottom of the back cover, as this is where they typically are - Add the MTV quotation and star rating to the back cover with the blurb - Consider the spacing around each element on the cover
Second draft of digipack cover After following the targets we set ourself from the first draft, we have come up with the second digipack draft. This is shown as a screen shot below:
Again we created targets for ourself based on peer feedback. These were as follows: - Consider framing very carefully - move the band website so that it is not touching the institutional logo - Make the photographs of the band stand out from the background - put a boarder around them - Change the name of the bands lead single, as we have changed this in our music video - Help to show a clear house style from the front cover and the back
Third Digipack Cover
Below shows the third design of our digipack cover. We have used the elements which needed to be improved upon from oursecond draft to ensure that this draft meets all of the requirements. We have closely considered the framing within the cover, and made sure all of the key conventions are included in this draft.
Inside Digipack Covers First Draft
This is the inside cover first draft which includes a photograph of Amie who is the lead singer of the band. Firstly we wanted to promote the only female in the band and the fact she is the lead singer. Although we felt as a group we needed to show a group photograph which showed a different side to bands identity. To link with the codes and coventions of pop rock bands we have to show a particular type of photograph to fit
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