Hayley Cruickshank
20/06/10 - Genres and conventions of pop music
21/06/10 - Powerpoint of genre of music (reggae)
24/06/10 - Strategy proposal
24/06/10 - Audience research questionnaire
29/06/10 - Questionnaire answer analysis - quantitative questions
6/07/10 - Action points for 1st round of audience research
6/07/10 - Interviews of audience research
6/07/10 - Second round of questions for audience research
7/7/10 - Summary and action points for second round of audience research
7/7/10 - 'The Script's' steps to making an album
7/7/10 - Powerpoint - the history of pop/rock
8/7/10 - Ideas,development and photography of character profiles
8/7/10 - Ways in which artists appeal to institutions and their audience
20/7/10 - added annotations to photoshoot locations
5/9/10 - Analysis of The Script music video
12/9/10 - Snow Patrol digipak covers analysis
19/9/10 - Institutional information - research in to institutions
25/9/10 - Creation and screen shots of Vintage Rocks twitter account
29/9/10 - Purposes and Conventions of magazine advertisements
26/9/10 - Contacted institution for song permission
29/9/10 - Foo Fighters magazine analysis
30/9/10 - Second draft of a magazine advertisement mock up with annotations
30/9/10 - Drawn a draft of a possible digipack cover with annotations (individual draft and group draft)
1/10/10 - Added to styling for the band
2/10/10 - Photography of promotional shots
3/10/10 - Connotations of two promotional shots of band
5/10/10 - First draft for digipack cover
10/10/10 - First draft for magazine advertisement
20/10/10 - Paramore/The Script representation analysis
22/10/10 - Second draft of digipack cover
23/10/10 - Second draft of magazine cover
26/10/10 - History of pop-rock music videos - iconic artists/influences
28/10/10 - Storyboard planning / written storyboard
31/10/10 - Initial proposal for music video
1/11/10 - Editing/uploading the animatic storyboard
2/11/10 - Camera angle analysis question of animatic storyboard
2/11/10 - Uploaded print screens for first drafts of digipack and magazine advert, wrote up changes needing to be made
3/11/10 - Feedback and changes for animatic/music video
3/11/10 - Uploaded scanned storyboard images
3/11/10 - Added to influences for our music video
6/11/10 - Representation in music videos + uploading of this.
6/11/10 - Uploaded themes typical of music videos in general/ genre specific
8/11/10 - Added creation of a logo to band planning.
8/11/10 - Denotations and Connotations of music videos
10/11/10 - Research in to which magazines we would place our advertisements
10/11/10 - Shooting Schedule
13/11/10 - 20/11/10 - Filmed first draft of music video
21/11/10 - Started editing music video
1/12/10 - Action plan for first draft
5/12/10 - Uploaded shooting schedule
13/12/10 - Editing for music video (introduction instrumental)
14/12/10 - Editing for music video (chorus)
7/1/11 - Editing for music video
11/1/11 - Editing for music video - end instrumental
4/2/11 - Editing and titles for music video
22/3/11 - Editing for music video
28/3/11 - Added feedback for each of the music video drafts
29/03/11 - Made changes to create the third magazine advertisement draft
29/03/11 - Uploaded screen shot of third magazine advertisement draft
29/03/11 - Made changes to create the third digipack front and back cover draft
29/03/11 - Uploaded screen shot of the third digipack front and back cover draft
1/04/11 - Made changes to final digipack front and back cover
1/04/11 - Uploaded final digipack front and back cover
1/04/11 - Made changes to final magazine advertisement
1/04/11 - Uploaded final magazine advertisement
7/04/11 - Created third audience feedback questionnaire
11/04/11 - 14/04/11 - Evaluation question - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
Ella Hindley
24/06/10 - Strategy proposal
24/06/10 - Audience research questionnaire
29/06/10 - Questionnaire answer analysis
29/06/10 - Sampling Methods
29/06/10 - Bands under the genre of Pop Rock
6/07/10 - Interviews of audience research
6/07/10 - Second round of questions for audience research
7/7/10 - Summary and action points for second round of audience research
7/7/10 - Powerpoint - conventions of pop/rock
8/7/10 - Ideas of character profiles
8/7/10 - Ways in which artists appeal to institutions and their audience
20/7/10 - Took photos of possible photo shoot locations
20/7/10 - uploaded and added annotations to promotional shots and possible album covers
20/7/10 - added annotations to photo shoot locations
2/9/10 - Paramore music video analysis
10/9/10 - Madonna digipak cover with analysis
15/9/10 - Created a facebook account and uploaded screen shots
26/9/10 - Contacted institution for song permission
29/9/10 - Conventions of magazine advertisements
30/9/10 - Lyrics
30/9/10 - Style for band
5/10/10 - First draft for digipack cover
10/10/10 - First draft for magazine advertisement with annotations
22/10/10 - Second draft of digipack cover
23/10/10 - Second draft of magazine cover
31/10/10 - Props and Costume list for music video
2/11/10 - Editing of animatic storyboard
2/11/2010 - Pace analysis question for animatic storyboard
3/11/10 - Feedback and changes for animatic/music video
3/11/2010 - Scanned and uploaded audience feedback for animatic
6/11/10 - Representation in music videos
8/11/10 - Denotations and Connotations of music videos
10/11/10 - Research in to which magazines we would place our advertisements
10/11/10 - Shooting Schedule
13/11/10 - 20/11/10 - Filmed first draft of music video
21/11/10 - Started editing music video
1/12/10 - Scanned & uploaded feedback sheets from first draft
1/12/10 - Action plan for first draft
11/1/11 - Editing for music video - end instrumental
3/2/11 - Editing for music video
22/2/11 - Editing for music video
7/04/11 - Created third audience feedback questionnaire
21/04/11 - Evaluation question - What have you learnt from your audience feeback.
03/05/11 - Scanned audience feedback to blog
Stuart Cruickshank
21/06/10 - Powerpoint on jazz genre
24/06/10 - Strategy proposal
24/06/10 - Audience research questionnaire
29/06/10 - Questionnaire answer analysis - qualitive questions
29/06/10 - Bias Research
29/06/10 - Bands under the genre of Pop Rock
6/07/10 - Interviews of audience research
6/07/10 - Second round of questions for audience research
7/7/10 - Summary and action points for second round of audience research
7/7/10 - The seven steps to making an album
7/7/10 - Powerpoint - why we chose the pop/rock genre
8/7/10 - Ideas and development of character profiles
8/7/10 - Ways in which artists appeal to institutions and their audience
20/7/10 - added annotations to photo shoot locations
2/9/10 - Kings of Leon music video analysis
12/9/10 - Lady GaGa digipak cover analysis
26/9/10 - Contacted institution for song permission
29/9/10 - Conventions of magazine advertisements
30/9/10- Added my individual digipack design with annotations.
30/9/10 - Added individual magazine advertisement first draft with annotations
5/10/10 - First draft for digipack cover
10/10/10 - First draft for magazine advertisement
20/10/10 - Kings of Leon representation analysis
22/10/10 - Second draft of digipack cover
23/10/10 - Second draft of magazine cover
26/10/10 - Timeline of history of pop rock music/videos.
28/10/10 - Storyboard planning / written storyboard
31/10/10 - Initial proposal for music video
1/11/10 - Editing and uploading animatic storyboard
2/11/10 - ' Are the story lines and performances clear and appropriate' question answered 3/11/10 - Uploaded Drawn Storyboard Scanned Pictures
3/11/10 - Feedback and changes for animatic/music video
6/11/10 - Representation in music videos
8/11/10 - Denotations and Connotations of music videos
10/11/10 - Research in to which magazines we would place our advertisements
10/11/10 - Shooting Schedule
13/11/10 - 20/11/10 - Filmed first draft of music video - Featured in the music video as the drummer 21/11/10 - Started editing music video
13/12/10 - Editing for music video (introduction instrumental)
7/1/11 - Editing music video (part of chorus)
11/1/11 - Editing for music video - end instrumental
4/2/11 - Editing and titles for music video
15/3/11- Individual Editing of the music video- 4th draft corrections and other adjustments.
1/04/11 - Made changes to final digipack front and back cover
1/04/11 - Uploaded final digipack front and back cover
1/04/11 - Made changes to final magazine advertisement
1/04/11 - Uploaded final magazine advertisement
7/04/11 - Created third audience feedback questionnaire
12/04/11 - Evaluation question - How did you use new media technology in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?
Lauren Parkins
24/06/10 - Stratedgy proposal
24/06/10 - Audience research questionnaire
29/06/10 - Questionnaire answer analysis - qualative questions
6/07/10 - Interviews of audience research
6/07/10 - Second round of questions for audience research
7/07/10 - Summary and action points for second round of audience research
7/07/10 - The seven steps to making an album
7/07/10 - Powerpoint on pop/rock genre
8/07/10 - Ideas of character profiles
8/07/10 - Ways in which artists appeal to institutions and their audience
20/07/10 - Added annotations to to photo shoot locations
26/9/10 - Contacted institution for song permission
2/10/10 - Creation of jacket/blazer detail inspired by The Script, ready for promotional shoot 12/10/10 - Ways in which artists appeal to institutions and their audience
13/10/10 - What is the purpose of a music video?
13/10/10 - Textual analysis of CD/DVD covers in your genre -'The Script' and 'Parmaore' 13/10/10 - Dennotation and Connotation of music videos - 'Green Day' and 'The Saturdays' 15/10/10 - Star image and development
19/10/10 - Music video theme
19/10/10 - Our bands image for the music video
22/10/10 - Second draft of digipack cover
22/10/10 - Music video style and Paramore's image
23/10/10 - Second draft of magazine cover
31/10/10 - Some ideas for initial proposal for music video
31/10/10 - Drawing of animatic storyboard
31/10/10 - Filming of animatic storyboard
1/11/10 - Editing of animatic storyboard
2/11/10 - Analysis question of animatic storyboard - 'Are the order of events clear and do they fit with the song? Is the meaning of the music video clear?'
3/11/10 - Uploaded two drafts of my mock-up of the digipack and analysed
3/11/10 - Uploaded and analysed promotion photoshoots of Scouting for Girls and Lady GaGa 3/11/10 - Feedback and changes for animatic/music video
3/11/10 - Influences for music video
3/11/10 - Digipak mock-ups, drawn and publisher
5/11/10 - Magazine advertisement mock-up drawn and upload
7/11/10 - Representation in music videos
8/11/10 - Denotations and Connotations of music videos
9/11/10 - Own magazine advertisement created using Adobe Illustrator
10/11/10 - Research in to which magazines we would place our advertisements
10/11/10 - Shooting Schedule
13/11/10 - 20/11/10 - Filmed first draft of music video
21/11/10 - Started editing music video
8/12/10 - Edited for music video
10/12/10 - Editing for music video
14/12/10 - Editing for music video (chorus)
7/1/11 - Editing music video
11/1/11 - Editing for music video - end intrumental
3/2/11 - Editing for music video
4/2/11 - Editing and titles for music video
21/3/11 - Editing for music video
22/3/11 - Editing for music video
7/04/11 - Created third audience feedback questionnaire
15/4/11 - Final evaluation question - 'In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?'